

Charter of Healthcare Rights

The launch of the second edition of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights will be live-streamed from this website. Join us for the virtual launch on 8 August 2019

IRSE – Presidential Lecture Paper

2018/2019 Presidential Lecture Paper 
Human Factors in Cockpits: Lessons Learnt in the Light of ATO
The session will be live from 4pm to 5pm (GMT/UTC + 10:00h) on the 15 March 2019

Paediatric Critical Care

A workshop to further improve standards of care in emergency,
urgent care centres and ICU

Date 26 February 2019

Perinatal Service Performance Indicators forum

This forum will showcase improvements in maternity and newborn outcomes, and work that the Maternity and Newborn Clinical Network and Safer Care Victoria are undertaking to support clinicians and health services working in this space.